The Programmable Chip EEG BCI 
The downloads link should have the newest Eagle Cad board and schematic
files & parts lists.
Amplifier & Common Signal
Amplifier & Common Signal Buffer Board Components

If you intend to build
a PCEEG it is helpful to know how it comes together. The
electrodes are placed on a person's head or sometimes one on a earlobe
for a ground and the other on the head.
- Then the signals from
the electrodes travel to the high frequency filter this removes raido
friequency noize picked up on the electode wires.
- The instramentation
amp amplifies the difference of the two electrodes and sends that as a
driven signal to the analog to digital converter.
The downloads link should have the newest Eagle Cad board and schematic
files & parts lists.

Parts List
Made 2008/09/07
by Joshua Wojnas, the open source community, modular EEG, monolith EEG,
Arduino, Boarduino & the design & designers of